6 style of sparkling wines on a single vineyard

6 style of sparkling wines on a single vineyard

A product with an impressive history that begins with the first mentions made by the writers of Ancient Greece and Rome about the “sparkling wine”, completed by the famous monk Dom Perignon of the monastery of Hautvillers (Epernay), transformed in 1743 by Claude Moët into a winery world-renowned. In almost 270 years, sparkling wine has become a product with one of the highest growth rates on the world wine market.

The history of Romanian sparkling wine begins around the middle of the 19th century with its realization by the agronomist Ion Ionescu from Brad in 1841 at the request of the Moldavian Mihai Gr. Sturdza. In this way, Romania became at that time the fourth country in the world (after France, Germany and Russia) with domestic production of sparkling wine. Due to the constant work and managerial sense of the oenologist Dr. Eng. Ion Pușcă, the Panciu vineyard became in 1969 the place where the first classic “de Panciu” sparkling wine was born, which later became a well-known brand in the whole country.

Located on the hills of the Curvature Subcarpathians, Țifești locality is located in the middle of the vineyards in the north of Vrancea county that form the Panciu vineyard. The peculiarities of Dealul Sârbilor are the clayey loamy soil developed on medium-fine loessoid deposits, balanced humidity, moderate temperatures with an annual average of 10.2 degrees and exposure to the sun with an inclination of 3 degrees towards ESE.

„Since 2009, the Panciu Domains are the heart and soul of the wines from the over 120 hectares of vines located in this area. We set off with a mission that over the years has been the basis of activities and decisions taken: the manufacture of a natural product of local Romanian quality with the continuous use of the Panciu vineyard. Thus, the hard and dedicated work of the team is fruitful by the presence on the market of a portfolio that includes a variety of products from still white, rosé and red wines to sparkling, sparkling all included in 4 ranges of Domains Panciu, Sagio Panciu Riserva and Casa Panciu. ” says Daniel Guzu, founder and owner of Domeniile Panciu.

One of the most special achievements of the winery was the launch on the market in 2012 of the raw sparkling wine Domeniile Panciu produced according to the classic method (champenoise) with fermentation and maturation in glass for at least 2 years. It was appreciated both by the simple consumer and by the juries of the profile contests. In 2015 he won the bronze medal at the Decanter World Wine Awards.

At the end of 2016, Domeniile Panciu launches sparkling wines – Blanc de Blancs and Cuvee Prestige, limited editions, available only in HoReCa and specialty stores.

The year 2017 will come with blanc de noirs, rose and red. The purpose of the winery was and is to produce Romanian sparkling wine with the capitalization of the entire range of technological styles in the Champagne area.


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